
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.”

Isaiah 40:28 ESV

The life-time work of our lives is unlearning and re-learning to see our King rightly.

What veil is causing you to not see God? Similarly to the people who were being asked this question in Isaiah 40:28, we all have a lens in which we view God, a box we’ve put Him in, a decision we’ve made about His character. How do we untangle and unlearn the intricate web of beliefs we’ve placed on who He is? How do we let go of conclusions we’ve made about Him?

We have all seen God work in our lives, and there are things we’re still waiting on. This leads us to make conclusions that are almost always rooted in disappointment, pain, unmet expectations, doubt, fear and unbelief. Yet, amidst all of these valid feelings there’s also evidence of who He makes himself known to be.

You see friend, we will spend our entire lives unlearning and re-learning to see our King rightly. Our whole spiritual life is molded by our conceptions of God’s character and at times we may have a veil over our eyes blinding us from the fullness of His very nature. As we enter into a new fall season and the winds of change are upon us, what a beautiful time to reflect on the conclusions we’ve made about God and replace them with truths He reveals to us about Himself through His word and through His Spirit.

There’s a song that has been on my heart the last week by Will Reagan & United Pursuit and it says “You are not the God my pain has conceived, You are deeper and stronger than my eyes can see. Help me let You go, Help me give up control, of the God I’ve made you when my fear has contained you.”

Today Beloved, let go of places where fear or pain has contained your view of God and instead encounter the tender heart of the Father, a passionate Bridegroom — who is absolutely wild about you.

In Joy, Peace + Love <3
Riley Rae Baker

additional reading:

Isaiah 40:18./ Deuteronomy 4:39/ Hebrews 1:3 / Ephesians 1:17-19 / Colossians 1:15


Name the lies you’ve believed about God and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the root of them. Ask Him to replace these lies with the truth. Whether He guides you to a place in scripture, gives you a word, a vision, a song — allow Him in, allow Him to do something new in your heart today.

centering prayer:

Abba Father — I pray that you would give me eyes to see you rightly. I pray that you would help me to unlearn and then relearn. Forgive me for any lies I’ve believed about who You are and replace them with new facets and truths of your very heart. I thank you God that the highest and most beautiful calling in my life is my fellowship with you. Clear out anything that is preventing a deeper fellowship and knowledge of who You are.
In Jesus name, AMEN.



