
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made in perfect love. We love because He first loved us.” 

1 John 4:18-19 NIV

We all know God loves us, but experiencing it in our heart can be a daily struggle. It’s hard to receive a love without conditions, but His love cannot be earned. Being rooted in His love boosts our confidence in who He says we are. It empowers us to forgive those who have hurt us. To forgive ourselves when we fail. 

As we listen to the voice of the one calling us the Beloved, the space between where we are and where we want to be, begins to fill with light. The light of His redeeming love removes the pressure to live up to our own expectations and transforms into a gentle invitation to walk towards our purpose.

Beloved. Fix your gaze on the lover of your soul. Experience the reality of your salvation: the JOY of being loved perfectly and constantly. Even though you are still in process, be confident in your approach towards Him today. Let it be an act of faith. He has heard every prayer, and is working all things together for your good. (Ro 8:28) He may lead you on a foreign path, but you can trust that He knows what He is doing.  
The enemy loves to threaten our confidence in the Father’s unconditional love — but God has not given us a spirit of fear; He wants us to have a spirit of power and a sound mind in every situation. (2 Tim 1:7) 

Flee from the lies of the enemy whose aim is to trap you in the spiral of comparison and doubt. (James 4:7)
We learn nothing about ourselves when we are busy measuring ourselves up against the lives of others. Measure yourself against the Cross which will always display your true value. 

Open your mind and heart to receive His personal love;  A love without conditions, found in our mistakes, and our wandering; strengthened through our weakness and pain. An everlasting, never ending, relentless, timeless, Love. Sufficient to carry you through each day. (Jer 31:3) 


The art of receiving

Let’s position our hearts to discover more of the Father’s love today — This discipline is not about earning love or our own efforts, but simply training our minds to trust God and strengthen our confidence in knowing Him as Father. If you find this difficult, it’s ok. Be honest with God. Tell Him you don’t know His love in this way and you struggle to experience it. Ask Him to come in and teach you. If you set yourself up to discover God’s love, you will see it and experience it in ways you didn’t know you could. Be patient with yourself and the journey. God sees you as someone worth loving.

centering prayer

Father, allow the Holy Spirit to help me understand the vast love you have for me.
Remove the pressure to measure up to something that you have not asked of me.



