“He said, ‘Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?’ Declares the Lord, “Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand Israel.”
Jeremiah 18: 6 NIV
To accept what He allows into our life is to carry the cross.
Every potter has a design in mind for their lump of clay — as the potter spins the wheel, he applies pressure to turn the clay in order to produce the vessel he desires. When the pressure is successful, then the clay can remain in form, but when something in the clay resists, the potter must then crush the clay into a lump and begin again.
The same is true for us — God has specific plans in which He intends to use us to build His kingdom. Our wheel of circumstances is spinning around and around under the control of our Father as He shapes us according to His will. If we allow God to complete His work in us, if we succumb to the pressure and trust Him, then the pressure is relieved and we can take shape.
But if we continue to resist Him, if we spoil His work through our complaining and disobedience, then He has no choice but to crush us down and continue shaping us into the vessel that He has in mind. There will be temptation to control (Matt.4:5-7) to meet our needs outside of God, (Matt. 4:4) and great temptation to avoid suffering all together, (Matt. 4:8-10) however, as we stay the course committed in faith, God will continue to keep us in His rest.
Jesus submitted to the path God had for him. He purposefully and with unwavering determination set out to do God’s will. Father, If you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will but Yours be done. (Lu 22:42) And God did what He is always willing to do; He took something brutal and broken and made it astoundingly beautiful.
centering prayer
Father God, I may not always understand what you are doing, but I trust that my life is safe in Your hands.