“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Wisdom is the path to life.
Ever since the fall of humanity, we live in constant pursuit of knowledge apart from God, determining right and wrong for ourselves rather than seeking His wisdom.
How do we take hold of wisdom? We keep company with Jesus, for he is the wisdom of God and the strength of our heart. When we hear and obey his teachings and commands, we gain wisdom.
Perhaps our constant hunger for comfort and ease only reveal that we have forgotten “we are not our own,” and it’s no longer up to us to direct our lives. Accepting this truth releases the freedom to abound, whether in lack or in plenty, we become aware that God places us where He wants us so that He would be glorified.
No one ever learns their deepest lessons of life when everything is easy. People go deep with God in times of loss and distress, because it is there we discover that He alone is the only treasure that lasts.
Sometimes our greatest disappointment becomes the beginning of our greatest blessing—we may ask God to remove an obstacle and yet, in his wisdom, he leaves it teaching us to depend on him. We lift up a plea in desperation only to realize later, his outcome was what we needed all along. (2 Cor 12:8-9)
Trust the mundane ordinary days—they are equipping you. He is strengthening your character and faith so that you will be ready to stand firm for what is ahead.
Don’t resent his discipline or correction. Like a good parent or coach, he only disciplines those he loves. (v.11-12) Those who are faithful to walk in his ways and pursue wisdom will experience peace surpassing understanding, love surpassing knowledge, unspeakable joy, and unending grace.
centering prayer
LORD, I ask that you continually fill me with the knowledge of Your will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives.