“He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:8 ESV
The more deeply rooted you become the more you will be able to withstand.
Roots by their very nature have the ability to grow up to five times the distance of the canopy of a tree. They grow out, they grow long, and they sustain all while bringing vital nutrients to the tree. They are a tree’s life source, so when the wind blows or the storm comes—the roots tie it to the earth forbidding it from moving.
Just like the nature of a tree, we ourselves establish roots in the soil of our faith. Sometimes our roots feel as if they’ve drifted off in various directions, sometimes they feel thin and fragile, scattered as the daily stress of our lives build. Throughout our walk with Jesus, it is vital that we are mindful of not only where our roots start but also the direction they grow.
When our roots are established in the One who planted them, there is a sense of freedom and security. Jesus says “We are the branches and He is the vine and if we remain in Him, we bear much fruit,” (Jn 15:5). Fruit can only grow from good soil, and as we continue to let our roots be watered in Him and through Him, out of it will sprout good fruit. The fruit we produce in our lives is evidence to all that you are living a life of abiding faith.
As you settle into these roots and begin planting them even deeper into the soil of faith, there is peace — and just as a tree trusts its roots will anchor it to the ground when a storm comes, you get to experience the very same thing.
Let your roots grow down into Him and let your lives be built on Him alone. Let your faith grow strong in His truth and watch as you overflow with joy, peace, praise, and thankfulness no matter what storm is surrounding you.
When you’re deeply rooted, you rest.
In joy, peace & love,
Riley Rae Baker
additional reading:
Psalm 1:3 / Ezekiel 17:9 / Colossians 2:6-7 / Mark 4:17
What does being deeply rooted mean to you? What areas of your life right now feel like they aren’t rooted?Are you trying to live your life without connection and nourishment to those roots from the One who planted you?
centering prayer:
Abba, thank you that apart from you I can do nothing. I pray today that my roots in You will grow down even more deeply; that the soil of my faith will bear much fruit. I thank you Jesus that you have given me access to roots that will withstand any and every storm. Thank you that being deeply rooted in you means that I can rest. amen.