“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28 NIV
We’ve all experienced weariness in the pit of our souls — our motivations, agendas and thoughts circling around the need to be recognized, to be loved, to be heard, to know more, to measure up, to figure out the next move, to always say the right thing, to make ends meet — it's exhausting.
Jesus says, “come” implying an action, to those of us who are tired and worn out from trying to control every aspect of our lives, to will ourselves to exchange the heaviness of our hearts for His easy yoke. To travel by His side and learn how to take on the world with ease. We want to rest on the knowledge of when and how and why, but Jesus doesn’t always give us that information— He says come to me. He’s inviting us to relax! To stop being so caught up in getting so we can respond to His giving. (Matt 6:30-33 MSG)
Thus begins a beautiful chain reaction of ease — of humility. Where we don’t think less of ourselves, but think of ourselves less and submit ourselves to be used for God’s glory.
We don’t know where God wants to take us or how He will arrange our future. But He is the one answer to every question, every fear or need we will ever have. He is the only pattern we must follow.
Lectio Divina
Biblical meditation helps you engage personally with God as you read. It is not meant to empty your mind but to fill your mind, in order to become doers of the word who are intentional, self aware and focused. Lectio Divina is a method that invites the Holy Spirit into the reading of scripture as it moves through four distinct phases: read, meditate, pray, and contemplate.
-Pray first, and then slowly read the Scripture passage several
times. (Matthew 11:28)
-Reflect and meditate on the words in the text.
-Respond back to God in the form of a personalized prayer.
-Present yourself before God in silence and rest in his presence.
centering prayer
LORD, Your Word restores.