“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me”
John 15:4 NIV
To remain in Him is to be continually turned towards Him as the source of our sufficiency.
No branch can bear fruit by itself, therefore without the spirit of God dwelling within us, we cannot produce to the potential He has designed us to. Our patience tightens, we become short with our family, colleagues and friends. We’re likely to be passive towards God and His faithfulness, worried, in a hurry and not present with the people or task in front of us. Whether its work, studying, play, responsibilities, relationships, meeting a friend for coffee, going to the grocery store, business meetings, talking with a stranger— all are to be fulfilled out of reliance upon Jesus.
God created us to display his supreme goodness in every sphere of life. What is the result? Rest. His spirits blesses us with relief, no longer worrying about things we cannot control because we are now resting upon the One who is completely adequate to do through us everything that needs to be done.
Whatever it is, we are called to be the evidence of God. “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Phil 2:13)
We seek so much value in what we do, but our intimacy with God determines the impact of our lives. Allow yourself time this morning to focus less on doing and more on being.
Abiding is learning how to submit to God. Find a quiet and private spot (this could be a place in your house; bedroom, office, backyard or even a nearby park). Get into a comfortable position perhaps with your palms facing up. Set a timer for 10 minutes or anytime of your choosing, close your eyes and begin with deep, slow breaths.
Should your mind wander, as it will, slow down, breathe and gently bring your awareness back to the present moment.
Some mornings might feel like nothing is happening but something is happening. You are yielding to the presence of God, developing discernment of the spirit and starting your day from rest.
centering prayer
LORD, Your presence is enough for me.
Note: As you continue with these practices throughout the week— feel free to modify them and do them as you can, not as you can’t. Any amount of time counts. This is about life with God, not about “doing it right.” :)