
“And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Exodus 14:13-14 ESV

God saw you were worth fighting for—trust Him to carry you through. 

Having just rescued the Israelites from Egypt with a mighty hand, they were finally free from the bondage of slavery. Suddenly, their greatest enemy was looming close behind and the deep waters of the Red Sea brought their victorious march to a halt. They began crying out in a panic, riddled with fear and saturated with unbelief.

Was this some sort of trap?

If you’re familiar with the story, you know shortly after this incident the Lord miraculously parted the waters for them to pass through. How easy it is to forget the glorious freedom we have in our God when haunted by struggles and reminders of our brokenness.

The truth is when God delivered the Israelites they were free— indefinitely.
The same goes for us. When Jesus said it is finished— it was finished. Full stop.

You, Beloved, are free. Fully delivered and saved by grace. The greater work now is to believe it (Jn 6:29). It’s choosing to walk in the fullness of that freedom and believe that you actually can live a holy life. You can live a life free of shame. You can combat greed and lust and selfishness. Anxiety doesn’t have a hold on you.

When we forget this truth we strive to get ourselves out of our own mess. We become impatient, running ahead of God, allowing fear to keep us in our bondage. If we truly surrender, will God be enough? Will He keep His promise? Will He meet me on the other side?

No matter what enemies are pursuing you today, the Lord is mighty to save. No matter what difficulty you are facing, God is your strength and shield. He has promised to be with you and never forsake you. Fear not, my friend. Redemption has always been God’s plan for you.

See the salvation of the Lord today. And walk forward.

In Christ,


What aspect of God’s character is to be praised from this passage?  Is there an area of your life where freedom feels impossible? How might you apply these truths and take a step forward today?

centering prayer:

I praise you Abba for you are the great deliverer. Thank you for Your protection and peace. Thank you for your goodness and mercy. Thank you that you are the God of my salvation. You have redeemed me and cleansed me of my sins. Thank you for rescuing me through the blood of Jesus. Amen.



