“And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?””
Genesis 3:8-9 ESV
Intimacy with the Father is the foundation in which we must build our lives.
Whether you have been reading the Bible since you were four years old or you just recently started implementing prayer into your daily routine, there is something to be said about the intimacy you are building with the Lord. No matter where it takes place, or what it looks like, when you spend time with Him, you begin to build a relationship built on trust, faith and love.
We see this in scripture through songs and stories. For example: how many times does Jesus go to be alone in prayer in the Bible? He teaches us to spend time in solitude — surrounded by the arms of the one who truly knows us. These stories are beautiful, and they teach us how important it is to go on the journey of knowing Him; of digging deeper to discover who He is.
But it gets better; there are two sides to every relationship. There is also something to be found in what the Father does to know us. We see this early on in Genesis; when Adam and Eve hide themselves from the Lord after they realize what they’ve done. Even when they hid away, God walked through the garden and called out to them “Where are you?” searching for them amongst their sin and shame.
You see, we do not need to try to cover ourselves to prevent the Father from seeing who we truly are. He wants all of us, no matter what that looks like; no matter what we’ve done. We are His beloved children, and He wants to build a relationship with us.
Will you let Him?
With kindness & love,
Madison Leigh King
additional reading:
2 Chronicles 15:2 / Jeremiah 24:7 / Zachariah 1:3 / James 4:8 / Hebrews 10:22
What are some ways you find yourself covering your shame with fig leaves? Instead of hiding away, what are some things you can do to reveal yourself to your Father?
centering prayer:
Abba, may I come to know you as the Father with open arms, waiting for me to come home. Help me to reveal myself to you, as you reveal yourself to me, building an intimate relationship together. Amen.