
“On contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.
We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.”

1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV

Live from approval, not for it.

God has given us authority, by the Holy Spirit, to become living channels for His transformative power. 

It’s easy to live our lives before the wrong audience. People are right in front of us, and their demands are incessant. However, in order to faithfully walk with God, we must make it our single minded goal to please him (2 Cor 5:9) rather than impress others.  It’s not WHAT we know, it’s WHO we know, and the one within us is greater than anything in the world. (1 John 4:4)

Knowing who we are in Christ helps us to rise above our social vanities, pride and need to impress others. How can we become who God created us to be if we’re worried about who everyone else wants us to be?
Jesus said, remain in me and you will bear much fruit..(John 15:5) He’s not asking us to be the smartest people in the room. He wants our faithfulness.
Our purpose is to have a living and active relationship with God and to confidently represent Him in the world. 

Let’s boldly carry His name into every area of our lives today!
Pray unceasingly.
Send the encouragement.
Give the money.
Write the story.
Open the Bible.
Share the Gospel.

Shine your light so others may see His glory. (Mt 5:16)
Don’t hide behind comfort or fear. If God is leading you to do it, He will see you through it. 


Boldness isn’t necessarily ‘loud and proud,’ but rather an energetic posture of knowing who we are in Christ.

Is there an area in your life where God is calling you to a new level of boldness? Spend time this morning allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart. As we seek the Father, He will remind us who we are in Him and lead us into His perfect will for the day ahead.

centering prayer

LORD, lead me.



