“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4: 23-24 ESV
To worship God is an invitation into a deeper encounter and knowledge of our good and faithful Father.
We all worship something—money, fame, social media, fashion, relationships, cars, food— all can easily become idols we prioritize in our hearts. What does it look like to worship the one and only King truly deserving of our worship?
Let’s set the stage — Jesus has encountered a Samaritan woman at a well who was an outcast even among her own people. Through their exchange she begins to realize Jesus has supernatural knowledge of her life and supernatural insight of her sin. Jesus lovingly speaks to her in truth about how she is currently living with a man that is not her husband. Though convicted, she deflects and challenges Jesus with the idea that there are certain “religious” and “cultural” rules about where one can worship God.
However, Jesus reminds her that like all faith that tries to combine elements of different religions, “They worship what they do not know.”
On the basis of true worship, Jesus points her to a time when worship would no longer be focused on a place but rather a posture of our hearts. To worship in spirit means being concerned with the Spirit. It is not concerned, like the woman at the well, with the place of worship or outward appearance but rather, desires to connect with a deeper knowledge of God. To worship in truth means we worship according to the whole counsel of God’s Word. It means coming to God rooted in His truth — not out of spiritual piety or comfort but to worship in full belief that God’s truth is THE truth.
To worship God is an invitation into a deeper encounter and knowledge of our good and faithful Father. While it is bred out of respect, honor, and devotion, it is sustained through a desire for a deeper revelation of who He is. It is the heart response of humble sons and daughters to a living God where submission, sacrificial service, praise, profession, testimony and gratitude are freely expressed in innumerable ways.
I charge you beloved to worship our Savior in spirit and in truth, for that is where fulfillment is found.
in joy, peace + love
Riley Rae Baker
additional reading:
Old Testament: Psalm 29:2, Psalm 100:2, Psalm 95:2
New Testament: Ephesians 5:19, Hebrews 13:15, Revelation 14:7
What does the word worship mean to you? What does the word truth mean to you? Are there things you might worship above God? In what ways can you let those things go and allow your worship and knowledge of our Savior grow deeper and more relational?
centering prayer:
Jesus, I pray that my worship of you would start a revolution inside my spirit. I pray through my worship I would grow in knowledge of your goodness, faithfulness and fullness. I pray that I would worship you in spirit and in truth all the days of my life. amen.