“And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.”
Revelation 12:10-11 ESV
There are people who will be set free by the word of your testimony.
Isn’t it wonderful that we all have a unique story? How amazing that what God has done in our lives actually holds power to combat the lies of the enemy and set people free! There are many voices that clamor for our attention, many lies we battle daily. Scripture says the disciples overcame these lies with three keys:
By the power of Jesus’s precious blood — His blood overcomes the accusations of Satan.
By the word of their testimony — they remembered all of the wondrous works of God; the healings, the miracles, the kindness, the love, the grace, the wisdom they witnessed through the Son of Man.
By not loving their earthly lives — they did not cling to the dying world for hope nor seek their identity, value or worth in it. Therefore, the lies of the world had no hold on them. The threats of the enemy could not be held against them. They truly believed to live is Christ and to die is gain (Ph 1:21).
In light of this, we are free to live in in the fullness of our true identity — the beloved. Whenever the enemy whispers lies of deceit in your ear, remember all our Savior has done in your life. Whenever sickness, brokenness, delay, or pain leads you to believe, “It’s too much for God, “It’s too big for God,” or “It will always be like this,” recall these three keys and call upon the power of your testimony.
Why not take it one step further and begin to boldly proclaim it. Begin to share it. Declare it. Scream it. People need your story — nothing you have been through is for not. God uses all things according to His goodness (Ro 8:28) and there are other people’s destinies attached to your testimony.
Your story, your voice, your life matters. It serves to reveal His glory. It serves to set people free. It serves to bring hope. It was through the power of shared witness and testimony that people began to know and experience the power of our Messiah. God used testimony to reveal His glory then & He wants to use your testimony to reveal His glory now.
Beloved, I hope you know the value of your story. Your story reveals His glory.
In joy, peace & love,
Riley Rae Baker
additional reading:
Old Testament: Psalm 22:22, Daniel 4:2, Psalm 66:16
New Testament: 1 John 1:2-3, Romans 15:9, John 15: 26-27
Pause and think about the journey of your life. Reflect on all of the ebbs and flows. The highs and lows. The hardships and trials. The times when things felt hopeless or impossible. Then remember how God moved in those moments or seasons. How He did the miraculous. How He showed up and did what only God could do. Reflect on a time in your life or in your families’s lives that God came in and did something only He could do. Praise Him and then go forth and share it.
centering prayer:
LORD, I thank you that everything in my life is used according to Your goodness. I ask that you would give me a fiery boldness to share all that you have done in my life and that you would use my testimony to bless people that may need a seed of hope or encouragement. I pray that my testimony would only point to You. amen.