
“You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

Isaiah 26:3-4 ESV

A perfect peace awaits the children who trust Christ as their Savior.

In Isaiah 26, the prophet sings of the restoration God would bring to Israel with a covering of perfect peace. This promise extends to us today. It is a peace found in Christ alone, when we believe in who He says He is and desire both His guidance and deliverance.

Not only does God promise us perfect peace, He also says we will be kept in His peace. This implies a matter of our minds. A mind set on self is a gateway to confusion and frustration. Rather than choose forgiveness we choose resentment. Instead of creating boundaries, we burn out. Peace isn’t kept by trying to control our circumstances. It’s not kept by blaming others or focusing on our problems. It’s kept by choosing God because we know He’s already chosen us.

If we seek to love the Lord with all our minds, and allow His spirit to transform us by renewing our minds, we will encounter shalom shalom— a peace surpassing human understanding, giving eyes to see every obstacle as an opportunity to see God.

The good news today is that even when we fail or forget—Christ has given us peace with God. He alone is the one to sustain and establish our hearts because he alone is the Lord of everlasting strength. What Jesus opens, no man can shut. What Jesus closes, no man can open—He has full authority over our lives and when we accept this, we will begin to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding, but who we know God to be. 

May peace be yours in abundance,

additional reading:

Old Testament: Proverbs 3:5, Psalm 20:7, Psalm 46:10 
New Testament: Matthew 22:37, John 16:33, Romans 12:2, Colossians 3:1-2


Whatever your mind is set on is what you’re placing your trust in— what is your mind set on today? What sustains your mind? What consumes your mind? What do you need to attend to in order to guard and guide your will to mature more fully in Christ? 

centering prayer:

LORD, in the power of Your holy spirit, may my heart and mind be centered on You moment by moment. amen. 



