
“I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:10-12 ESV

It’s natural for our hearts to believe there has to be something more because there is something more.

What is the meaning of our lives? What is the purpose in which we are placed on this earth? Throughout the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon addresses the human pursuit of purpose presenting us with the idea that God has “set eternity in the human heart,” creating in us an innate desire for something beyond our earthly lives.

Solomon was famous for his “wisdom.” This wisdom was a gift from God qualifying him to assess the result of searching for knowledge and wisdom apart from God. The meaninglessness and brevity of life inevitability forced Solomon to conclude that “life under the sun,” no matter how it’s lived, is not enough. The more Solomon learned, the more he realized he didn’t know.

The more you understand life’s circuits and cycles, the more you ache. The more you continue this journey of life the more you long to know if your life matters. God has built a system where life seems meaningless and empty without understanding who He is. His purpose is to give us all one thing—himself.

No amount of wealth, power, success, wisdom or relationships will every satisfy the ache and longing of the human heart. Life will always carry frustrations, toils and brokenness, but we can take heart and rest in our new life in Jesus which is the one thing that brings genuine meaning to it all. As His children we do not have to look for fulfillment in this fleeting world, searching for things that will leave us empty. Our hope is fixated on eternity with Jesus. Could you think of anything more meaningful than that?

“We need not go outside Him for new delights; to know Him is to possess a secret which makes all things new.” (Meyer)

in joy, peace &love,
Riley Rae Baker

additional reading:

Old Testament: Isaiah 45:17, Proverbs 19:21
New Testament: 1 John 2:25, 1 Peter 5:10, Luke 1:45, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Galatians 6:8


What does having an eternal perspective mean to you? Do you feel lighter when you rest in the fact that nothing in this world will ultimately fulfill you? Does that scare you? If it does, look at what you’re holding onto in this world for fulfillment and invite God into that space.

centering prayer:

 LORD, thank you that you have made us with a longing that only You can fulfill. Thank you that you have made us for Yourself. Thank you that all of the purpose and meaning that we seek out in the world can come from simply being in relationship with You. I desire to know and love you deeper. Help me develop a deeper understanding and revelation of Your character. Help my mind stay fixated and rooted in eternity. Help my restless heart find peace and purpose in You alone. I love you, Abba. amen.



