“So then, just as your received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7 NIV
Firmly rooted faith is the result of being transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Consider an actor preparing for a role—it is not enough to merely memorize a script. Rather, they must possess a willingness to be taken in by the text, approaching the scene with intent and a deep desire to discover who the character is—what they like and dislike, how they speak and move in the world. Through utterance and repetition, the words begin to permeate the heart and mind allowing the text to conform to their reality.
Therefore, since we have received Christ, our lives should reflect the reality that Jesus is our Lord. Rooting ourselves in the faith requires a willingness to be taken in and completely transformed— allowing Scripture to conform our actions, attitudes and motivations into the likeness of Jesus.
What is forming you this season? How are you preparing for the calling on your life? God is calling us to believe and submit to His word daily. Not out of a moral obligation, but because it’s the way we were always meant to live. The news is valuable, but the Bible is an authoritative guide, prophetically woven by God Himself showing us the path to joy and life (Ps 19:7-8).
We all have habits that can make studying Scripture difficult, it takes time and we naturally seek to read in our own interest, but our spiritual lives risk becoming devoid of true listening. If we do not listen to God, He becomes a figment of our projections, a constructed figure in our minds.
God desires for us to be the good soil, allowing the Word to sink in deep. To become people who, despite affliction, outgrow the weeds of life and still bring forth fruit; people who have learned to take their worries and fears to God in prayer and place their treasure in seeking first the kingdom of God (Mt 6:19-34, 13:18-23).
May we continue to learn to discern His voice from the voices of the world and become deeply rooted in Him.
centering prayer
LORD, may I listen to Your Spirit and live by Your Word. amen.