“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17 NIV
Glory is never ours to receive—it is only ours to give.
God hasn’t blessed us with time, resources and passion to store up for ourselves— He is looking to be glorified through our lives. We are all ministers called to take the message of Jesus into the world dedicating our lives to loving God and others, serving with compassion and humility wherever God has called us to be.
Regardless what you may think, God has a wonderful plan in store for your life! There are hands only you can hold. There are certain people only you can speak to because of your life and experiences. There are certain ways that you and only you can build up the people of God. And that’s exactly what we’re building! While it’s tempting to seek comfort and focus solely on our desires, we are called to build His church (1 Cor 3:8-9, Jn 21:17).
In our “what’s in it for me!” kind of world, it’s easy to focus on what we can get rather than what we can give. Yet, Jesus tells us that such behavior will lead us to lose our lives completely. Truly happy people are those who live for something larger than themselves (Mt 10:39). Were we to actually let the word of Christ dwell richly in our hearts (Col 3:16) how many difficulties would become unexpected opportunities to lift up His name?
As faithful witnesses of His grace, let us do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus today, for He is the one to whom we are ultimately accountable.
Everyday the mission is the same— follow Jesus. Whether married or single, employed or unemployed, God can work in and through us. Where has the Lord placed you? How are you stewarding the gifts He has given you? How can you serve the people around you today?
centering prayer
LORD, may all I do in word or deed bring You praise. amen.