
“Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Romans 13:14 NIV

Let us walk in the light of the LORD—though our days are numbered, His love endures forever.

Each day we dress according to who we are and what we plan to do: a blazer for the zoom conference, running shoes for the gym. Clothing ourselves with Christ is to order our lives around His word and His ways. It is to put on the “full armor of God” which equips us to actively partner with God in all that we do (Eph 6: 10-17).

Jesus didn’t die for better rules or behavior, but to live out His victory through those who believe. He is not impressed with our performance nor moved by our inability to obey—He is asking us to believe in who He is for us (Jn 6:29).

So let’s do it! Let’s believe. Cast off the petty pursuits of the flesh and put on the robe of Christ! Allow Jesus to reign in your heart and mind today. Put on His truth. Put on His righteousness. Trust Him to be all that He can be for you. Trust Him to comfort you. Trust Him to provide for you. Trust Him to transform your heart.

It’s time to armor up and resist placing our trust in mere humans, living to please those around us (Is 2:22) — we have someone better to live for! God is calling His beautiful bride to arise from her slumber and awaken to the reality of redemption; to live in full submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Ro 8:14). Only as we remain in Him and He in us will we be able to stand firm in the spiritual battle we face. 


Perhaps the question now is are you willing? Are you willing to go beyond comfort for the sake of Christ today? Where do you feel the spirit of the Lord is leading you? Where in your life are you worried more about what others think of you than what God thinks? 

centering prayer

LORD, I am willing. Help me to put on the armor of Christ today. amen.



