“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:12-13 NIV
Practice humility. Learn contentment. Live in hope.
According to Thomas Watson, “Discontentment is the echo of unbelief.” It is to doubt God’s love for us and question His good nature. Overtime, this produces envy and complacency in our hearts causing us to compare and judge rather than serve and love. When we choose to humble ourselves and confess our limited understanding, we turn our focus back to the sufficiency of God.
As we practice humility, we learn contentment— as Paul states, “I have learned the secret of being content,” meaning it didn’t happen right away, nor did it come naturally. He learned, not through comparison or comfort, but through Christ who strengthened him. He learned to be abased and abound because the Spirit of Christ was within him. Whatever he had, wherever he was, knowing Christ was enough.
Through Christ, we can live in hope. Jesus empowers us to be like him, a man of great suffering, yet endured for the joy set before him (He 12:2). His circumstances didn’t keep him stagnant but kept him moving forward to what was ahead of him.
His joy was rooted in unbroken fellowship with the Father.
His joy was the fruit of true faith and confidence in God.
If we rely on our strength, we will fall short. If we rely on Jesus, he will give us the strength to humble ourselves before God, remain obedient to His will and believe He will do as He’s promised.
centering prayer
LORD, thank you for the strength, to know You are enough. amen.