“But in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
1 Peter 3:15 NIV
Everything in our life is proving who we trust and who we are.
When we set apart Jesus as Lord, it will change us. It affects our response to suffering, disruption and inconvenience. Though this year has been filled with much pain and hopelessness, Peter encourages when we focus intently on Jesus, our lives will inspire others to look in and ponder our ability to remain hopeful in difficult circumstances.
Do you know the reason for the hope you have?
The Greek word translated as "give an answer" is apologian, from the root word apologia. This term means a justification, or a reason. This is the source of the terms "apologetics" and "apologist," which refer to a rational defense of the Christian faith (Bible Ref).
Peter commands that we “always be prepared,” to give a proper answer about our hope in Jesus. Therefore, we must be ready with a sound knowledge and understanding of the gospel.
As we grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord, our faith will rise in this season compelling us to tell the world about the God we serve; to allow whatever we are going through testify to the security found in Christ alone; to demonstrate we have truly been delivered, saved and redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb!
Our hope is in Christ the Lord. Our goal is to be in the world, but not of it (Jn 17:15). For we are Christ’s witnesses, a means of salvation—if Christ were to remove us from the world, utter darkness would remain.
You are the light of the world, my friend. So shine.
During your bible reading this week, why not study some apologetics? After all, we are commanded to love God not only with our heart and soul but also with our mind. Learn why you believe what you believe. Why are you a Christian? How was our Bible transmitted over the years? What evidence do we have that its eyewitness testimony? For many people, apologetics is one of the biggest things God used to strengthen their faith and help them grow closer to Him—may this, too, deepen your faith and enliven your hope in Christ.
centering prayer
King Jesus, be glorified through my life. You are the hope of the world. amen.