“I want you to be free from concern…I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 7:35 NIV
Set your mind on things above and cultivate a deeply rooted faith in Jesus.
For this present world is passing away..
Paul’s passion for the kingdom gave him perspective. He wasn’t overly concerned with self, nor consumed by the cares of this world; he was completely abandoned to God with one purpose—proclaim the gospel.
Our lives matter—our work and families matter, but we should not live as though they are all that matter. We should not live only to get married or attain wealth. What matters most is our obedience to Christ.
The hour has come for us to rise up without fear and run in such a way to get the prize (1 Cor 9:24). Paul knew how he lived was of utmost importance. He couldn’t allow his body or emotions dictate his decisions —he was determined to keep his crown. As an athlete must refuse certain things in order to achieve their goal, likewise, we too should refuse things that hinder the pursuit of our heavenly reward (1 Cor 9:25).
Let us not engross ourselves in the world, putting down roots in that which is temporary. Rather, develop an eternal mindset. A mind that is steadfast on the LORD will be kept in perfect peace regardless of circumstance (Is 26:3).
As we await the return of our King, fix your eyes on things unseen and trust in the goodness of God.
The battle for trust in our lives begins in our minds— what is your mind set on today? What sustains your mind? What consumes your mind? Seek the LORD and He will speak to you.
centering prayer
LORD, here I am. Help me to fix my eyes on You today. amen.