
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 NIV

Perfect peace comes from God, we just need to rest in it.

Moments before Jesus would be crucified on the cross, he was deeply concerned for the peace and joy of his followers. How amazing is it that Jesus wants us to have peace? He wants us to have joy. He wants us to believe in what He says and have unwavering faith.

Jesus knows the only peace the world can give is circumstantial— money in the bank, insurance and security in a relationship, all of which can give us peace of mind—But Jesus says, ‘not as the world gives do I give to you,’ (John 14:27) which tells us his peace is not circumstantial, it is given, and withstands despite our circumstances. Because of this, our peace will make no sense to the world, for it is peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7)

Therefore, take heart! when you encounter suffering of any kind, remembering Jesus has already overcome.
(1 John 5:5)
Take heart! when you fall short or trip over your own feet, remembering your help comes from the Lord.
(Ps 121:1-2)
Take heart! when your efforts go unnoticed; keeping in mind your true reward awaits in heaven. (Matt 5:12)

Be of good courage, friend. Following Christ is difficult, but the reality of his victory over sin and death, provides peace and courage in the midst of trouble and opposition. We don’t have to be shocked when trials come our way, as Peter tells us, “Don’t be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.(1 Peter 4:12) Rather, we anchor ourselves to an immovable God who empowers us to endure relentlessly.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, whose joy and peace were not in this world, but in the glory set before Him. (He 12:2) He has brought us into perfect peace with the Father, and nothing or no one will ever be able to take that away from us.

discerning the spirit

The Spirit of truth indwells in us to guide us, teach us and remind us why we have hope. This is not to say believers will not have difficulties, but we have the ability to face them with a calm, confident attitude.

Read through the Gospel of John, chapters 14-16, which highlights the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the trouble followers may face in the world.

Reflect on your relationship with the Holy Spirit— take notice of the Holy Spirit’s leading this week. Spend time each day to review how the Holy Spirit worked in you. How did he speak to you, guide you, teach you? Were there moments you felt convicted by Him? Moments you resisted him?

As we develop greater discernment of the Spirit, we will strengthen our trust in God, placing our hope in the assurance of His promises and commands. 

centering prayer

 LORD, thank you for your perfect peace.
Help me to know the Holy Spirit whom you’ve sent to guide me.



