“How lovely is your dwelling place Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh cry out for the living God.”
Psalms 84:1-2 NIV
There is nothing like the presence of God.
This psalm reveals one who saw worshiping God as his highest priority— the psalmist yearned for God’s presence with fervency and eagerness. Hear my prayer, listen to me, look with favor on your anointed one… It was this longing, this soul thirsting desire for the presence of God that sustained and fueled his strength during the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (v. 5-6) Whatever difficulties he faced, he knew one day in the house of God was better than a thousand elsewhere. (v. 10)
God’s people were once forbidden from entering into his presence. He had to dwell among them on a nearby mountain lest his holiness consume them entirely. (Ex 19:12)
But God, rich in his mercy, bridged the gap and made a way for all mankind to enjoy inseparable relationship with him through Jesus. Rather than finding safety by remaining distant from God, we can draw near in confidence and find our home in Him.
Perhaps you’re entering the day with excitement. Perhaps you’re dreading it. Maybe you’re still stuck in yesterday or already living in tomorrow.
Stop for a moment.
Become aware of his presence, and allow your soul to commune with the One it loves most.
Even when the fight seems lost and the road seems dark, God is your sun and shield illuminating the path ahead. He will carry you from strength to strength, filling your life with the fullness of joy. There is nothing he will withhold from his children who walk in his ways and choose to trust him. (v.11-12) Lay down every burden and fear, let him take care of it, just come and rest.
Come boldly. Come expectantly. And stay awhile. Stay as long as you want, friend.
multiple devotions
We often think of our devotional time as a single time each day where we sit down to pray and read God’s Word. This week, try having multiple devotion times per day—the goal is to see if having more frequent moments of interaction with God in prayer and Bible reading helps you think of him more as you go about your day.
centering prayer
Father, may I live this day in Your presence.