“The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.”
Lamentations 3:25-26
How beautiful it is to wait on the Lord in the midst of the unknown.
Maybe the “unknown” looks like being in-between jobs, anticipating what comes next in your healing journey, being prayerful and knowing that the Lord has something planned for your life but hasn’t made it entirely clear yet what that looks like, waiting for that one friend to come to church, the end of a hard season, or the anticipation of a brand new one.
The prophet Jeremiah tells us in Lamentations 3 that “it is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord” (ESV). Another version says, “it’s a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God” (MSG).
How are you waiting today, friend? Are you quietly waiting in sweet anticipation for what the Lord has planned for you? Are you seeking His face as you quietly hope he brings you into that “next” place or to that next thing sooner than later?
Sometimes we can get so caught up in our current situation, that we can forget that there is another side to it. Behind the scenes, our Father is working things together for our good (Rm 8:28), and that we will see what that “other side” looks like when the time is right. And in the midst of the unknown, whatever that looks like for you today, you can have confidence that He is holding you up and guiding you along every step of the way. And when He takes you into that next “thing,” you will be ready to receive it.
That isn’t always easy, though. Honestly, it can feel like it rarely is; because every time we come to a waiting season, we’re waiting on something new that we haven’t experienced before. But, the result is always the same - the Lord remains faithful to the promises He makes to His children, to you, every single time.
It is so sweet to know that He will always remain steady, in it with us, until He is ready to present that newness in our lives. That if nothing else, we can hold onto that simple truth in the midst of our waiting; knowing that whatever comes next will be something that He has already seen, known, and planned for.
He will never let us fall, not even for a second. He’s the one we can rely on time and time again. He truly is a faithful father.
With love,
Madison Leigh King
How am I waiting on the Lord in this season? Am I waiting with quiet hope and anticipation? If I am, how can I continue to do that? If I’m not, how can I start?
additional reading:
Isaiah 40:31 / Psalm 130:5-6 / James 5:7 / Psalm 27:8
centering prayer:
Father, I thank you. Thank you for bringing all things together for the good of your children. I pray you would help me to continuously and confidently rely on you in this season of waiting. Help me to seek you in the midst of it all. Amen.