“If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you…My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:13-14
God’s presence is a promise.
It’s easy to allow the unexpected to distract us from the presence of God,— to convince ourselves that He’s not involved, therefore, we must act in our own strength in order to fix it. We struggle to believe that God is going to lead us to what is best for us.
Sometimes the best way to let God lead is to interfere as little as possible. This doesn’t mean we abandon the mission. Rather we are patient collaborators— patiently listening and observing the Holy Spirit.
Consider when the disciples were on the boat with Jesus headed straight for a storm. They began to panic even though Jesus was right there in the boat with them. (Mat 8:24-26) Imagine what would have happened if they paused, took a breath and simply lied down next to Jesus. What a posture of trust that would have been!
For Moses, the presence of God was non negotiable. He understood the sovereignty of God and refused to move forward without Him. Generously, God came face to face, as a man speaks to his friend with Moses and told him that He would go with him and give him rest. (Ex 33:11)
He is with you. Maybe you want to give up— ask Him to come closer. Remember He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb 11:6) If we could only see how much He is truly working on our behalf, we would never lose touch with Him.
Keeping the sabbath is God’s loving command and reminder to rest. It is a form of trust, ceasing from our own works in order to rejoice in the presence of the Lord and all that He has created.
What better way to show God that we not only trust Him but are also grateful for everything we have. Try not to think of this as your typical “day off” but rather preserving this day to simply rest and worship.
Perhaps this is a new practice you are introducing into your formation, Maybe this is a time for you recommit, wherever you’re at on your journey: pick a day, a specific time of day or a select period of time— clear your agenda, turn off your phone and rest in the promises of God.
centering prayer
LORD, I know you are with me. Keep me in Your dwelling.