"Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.””
Genesis 2:23 ESV
How we show honor is a reflection of the way we honor the Lord.
From the time we are created, we are given a purpose — the reason for which we exist. Our Father is so good for equipping us for the things He has called us to do. Whether that be how to lead worship, pioneer new ways of living, or influence others towards a goal, the Lord always provides.
How can we expect the Lord to use us in a place of influence, when we do not show honor to the community He has destined us to lead?
Friends, we must seek the Lord to show us His ways & open our hearts to what He teaches us in His Word. There is an abundance of ways honor can be shown in our everyday — giving all the glory to our Father, being honest with ourselves, righteousness in marriage — all of which will influence who we become and pour right into our walk in purpose. When we chase after the heart of God, He becomes a part of us, flesh & bone laced with the fruits of a life lived with Him. The Lord has given us the authority to keep in step with the Spirit (Gal 5:1-26), all we must do is act with the value of our friends, family, and peers in mind. For these are the Lord’s people!
While we “eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness,” we must take the opportunity to uphold value for the people in our lives, ourselves included. This may not always be easy, but the Lord teaches us how to live honorable lives with His people.
And how can we learn to show high esteem for the Lord’s people — our sisters and brothers, our community, our elders? We must go straight to the source.
with kindness + love,
Madison Leigh King
additional reading:
2 Samuel 5:1, Hebrews 13:4, John 5:23, Revelation 4:11
How are you showing honor in your relationships today? Make a list of the people in your day-to-day life and write one way you can show them honor, and honor the Lord while doing so.
centering prayer:
Heavenly Father, I just want to thank you for the gift of life with you as our source. To live in and show honor is something we can only learn from you. May I take what is written in your Word and combine it with the strength of your Spirit to live a life that is Holy in your sight. I live to glorify you. I love you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.