
“For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me; you take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.”

Psalm 31:3-5 ESV

God’s presence gives us reason to step out with courage and live in hope. 

Psalm 31 is a declaration of an abiding trust—a commitment of the deepest part of one’s self to God. Even when we don’t know what today or tomorrow will hold, we know God’s presence is our true north— our home. 

We belong to God, therefore, it’s appropriate to commit our entire being to Him and trust him. But we cannot learn to trust him apart from his presence. David exemplifies this for us throughout the psalms, describing God’s presence as our dwelling, our refuge, our hiding place. It’s where we find ultimate comfort and lasting peace. It’s where we find balance when the world is spinning faster than we would like it to. It’s where we finally catch our breath, rest from trying to control our lives and say, “Ok God, I trust in you. I may not like it, but I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love.” 

The Lord knows our trouble, He knows our seasons and what we’ve walked through. He knows every thought before we even speak it out loud (Ps 139:4) However great our adversity, we can live persuaded of his unfailing goodness. “My times are in your hand,” (Ps 31:15). David knew the Lord was in full control. It doesn’t mean we ignore what we’re going through, but we do not have to dwell there. Set your mind on things above (Co 3:2), meditate on what is good, true, lovely and worthy of praise—our lives are hidden in Him.

There’s no one else to turn to, there’s no where else to go (Jn 6:68-69). He is our cave to hide in, our safe leader and faithful guide. If we press on, let it be towards His presence. If we climb, let His presence be the cliff. May we be those who delight themselves in the Lord throughout all the ups and down of life displaying to the world He truly is our rock and fortress.

Be strong, and let your heart take courage— Put your life into his hands, He will not let you go.

In Christ,

additional reading:

Old Testament - Deuteronomy 33:27, Psalm 37:40, Psalm 46:5, Psalm 84:10, Psalm 91:4
New Testament- Luke 23:46 , John 14:27


David is often remembered as the man after God’s own heart, not because of his ‘perfect’ track record, but because of his unwavering confidence in God’s character and belief in His promises. This is what pleases the Lord. And it’s spending ample time in his presence that fills our heart with this kind of trust. Have you made the Lord your dwelling place? What comforts still grip and keep you from committing fully to the Lord?

centering prayer:

LORD, how abundant is your goodness which you have stored up for those who trust in you. My life is yours and into your faithful hand I commit my spirit today. amen. 



