“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
Isaiah 54:10 ESV
Beloved, your weakness only draws Him nearer. It stirs up His compassion, His yearning to help.
There are certain times and moments in our lives when we are desperate for God's presence. Times when we feel weary, weak, and ill-equipped. Sometimes those circumstances tempt us to run away rather than press into Him as our strength. In times of stress or conflict, we respond with a fight or flight response. Our natural proclivity can be to fight or to flee. That may look different for all of us. Perhaps “fight” for you means taking matters into your own hands when things are out of control. Perhaps “flee” for you could mean to numb, detach or disengage when all He longs is for you to press in.
However, just like the promise God made to Israel to never forsake them, your King will never forsake you. No matter how far you run. Flood waters recede but mountains do not. Even if the mountains depart, even if the hills are removed, the kindness of the Lord to His people will never depart. The love and strengthening of Jesus is our one certainty. His ever-lasting peace is even surer.
Beloved, your weakness only draws Him nearer. It stirs up His compassion, His yearning to help. What would happen if you accepted yourself in your weariness instead of fighting against it? Knowing that He so perfectly understands how difficult your journey has been. Rather than disguising or even denying your weakness, what would happen if you allowed Him in to richly bless it?
Run to Him. Cling to Him. Lean into Him. Yield to Him — and let His presence alone strengthen you. Let yourself be fortified in Him.
God sees you and His steadfast love shall not depart from you.
In Joy, Peace + Love,
Riley Rae Baker
additional reading:
Habakkuk 3:19 / Psalm 119:28 / Zechariah 10:12 / Ephesians 3:16 / 1 Thessalonians 3:13
When do you feel most weak and weary? Do you believe that your weakness stirs up Gods compassion? How does this belief affect how you deal with weakness?
centering prayer:
Abba, thank-you that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Help me run to you in my weariness. I pray that anything else that I seek in these moments would be removed in Jesus name. I ask for the faith and belief to know that my weakness stirs up Your compassions and that in You and You alone, I am fortified — I am strengthened. I love you. amen.