
“O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim, you are the God, you alone, of all kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.”

Isaiah 37:16 ESV

There is no firmer foundation then knowing that God will continue to act on His promises.

Isaiah 36 + 37 record the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to judge Judah by using the Assyrian army to take them into exile. Prior to verse 37:16 we are introduced to Rabshekah, the royal military counsel to the Assyrian king. Rabshekah is sneaky and arrogant. Rather than immediately invade Judah, he attempts to sow fear, doubt and weaken their faith with hopes they will surrender and give up.
“Do you think that mere words are strategy and power for war? In whom do you now trust, that you have rebelled against me?” (Is 36:5) 

The enemy of our soul has a similar tactic. He loves to instill fear and doubt into our hearts leading us to surrender over to our temptations and give up. He wants us to believe when things aren’t going well God has abandoned us.

Yet, in the midst of Rabshekah’s manipulation, King Hezekiah immediately turned to the Lord in prayer confessing his complete trust in God as King and Creator. We too, have to decide—will we listen to the lies of the enemy or will we trust in our Savior? 

Even when it seems like everything is against us, we can trust God is faithful to fulfill his promise. While the enemy will tempt us to believe otherwise, let us stand firm on the truth that if God is for us, who can stand against us? (Ro 8:31)

Take heart, friend. Lift up your prayer. He is Yahweh, Lord of all and only He has the power to deliver.

In Christ,

additional reading:

Psalm 30:1-3, Psalm 86:10, Isaiah 40:28, Jeremiah 10:10-12, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 4:16


The story of Hezekiah reminds us all that even the most powerful people cannot save themselves. We all need the mercy of the Jesus. How often do you turn to the Lord in prayer? Is there anything you’re worrying about that you haven’t yet prayed about? Draw near with confidence today trusting you will find grace to help you in your time of need. 

centering prayer:

LORD, You alone are God. You alone are enough. May I place my trust in nothing but You. amen. 



