
“And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

Matthew 2: 9-11 ESV

The wise-men knew the value of Jesus’ life before He was even capable of uttering a single word or performing a single miracle.

The weeks leading up to Christmas are called Advent. Why? Because Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” Christmas is the season in which we celebrate the arrival of the turning point in God’s plan of redemption— the coming of His Son, Jesus. Once Jesus had arrived in a little manger in Bethlehem to a young girl named Mary, these men knew the value of Jesus’ life before He was even capable of uttering a single word or performing a single miracle.

What a beautiful sight to consider — these three wise-men having been led by a star to the Child who would redeem and save us all, immediately fall down in adoration and worship the moment they are before Him. Imagine three grown men, kneeling before a manger to worship this little baby Jesus. It brings tears to my eyes even now.

They presented gifts to Him and those precious gifts were not presented to His mother Mary or His father Joseph, but to Jesus Himself. More importantly however, was their heart posture. These wise-men sought out Jesus to adore Him — even at a great cost.

Friends, we could all learn something powerfully important from these men. You see, they were not satisfied with simply looking at the star that was set over Jesus from afar, they did something about it and set out to seek Him.

They rejoiced at this star, they persevered in their search for Him and when they arrived they entered in and worshipped. They sensed an urgency to adore and worship Him in that very moment and not wait till later. And when they worshipped, it was to give something — it was not out of empty-handed adoration.

I encourage you this week leading into Christmas to meditate on this beautiful example of the wise-men. Let yourself adore your King Jesus, feel the depth of His love for you and thank Him for the unfathomable gift of His arrival.

Come, let us adore Him.

Merry Christmas, sweet friends!

In Joy, Peace + Love,
Riley Rae Baker

additional reading:

Psalm 95:6 / 1 Chronicles 16:29 / Song of Songs 5:16 / Luke 1:47 / Matthew 28:9 / Revelation 5:13


Set the scene and imagine baby Jesus lying in this manger. Imagine three grown men kneeling before Him, lavishly worshipping and adoring Him. Imagine the gifts laid before Him. Now do the same — just adore Him. Thank Him for His arrival.

centering prayer:

Jesus, I thank You that You came down to live and dwell amongst us. I thank You that the true meaning of Christmas is to adore, honor and worship You and Your arrival — the arrival of the King of Kings born in a manger. I pray you would bless this Advent season with more intimacy and knowledge of you and your deep Love. I long to lavishly adore and worship you not just during this Christmas season, but all my days. I love you, Jesus. amen.



