
“But Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. And he gave her his hand and raised her up. Then, calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive.”

Acts 9:40-41 ESV

May we take a posture of true surrender by kneeling down and laying everything at the feet of Jesus.

In Acts 9, we see Peter do something amazing. A group of disciples sends word for Peter, urging him to come to the place where Dorcas (another disciple) lies. She’d become ill and passed away— but when Peter arrives, he asks everyone to leave the room. Then, he does something we can all relate to; he kneels down and prays. And next thing you know, she is alive, once again.

Peter’s first instinct was to go to the Lord in prayer. Can you imagine what words Peter whispered to Jesus? Maybe something like, “Lord, please grant me the ability to heal this woman,” or “Jesus, simply do your will”.

When we take the time to truly acknowledge the Lord’s power and lay everything down before Him, we give Him space to carry out His will. And sometimes, we become the vessels that He uses to perform miracles.

Now ask yourself — what would you do, if you were in Peter’s shoes? Would you instinctually walk past all of the commotion and head straight into prayer? Maybe that is already your experience or maybe, you are yearning for guidance on how to get there.

Stay encouraged, friend! The Lord is with us, and He will guide you towards the right posture if you are willing.

With kindness + love,
Madison Leigh

additional reading:

Psalm 95:6 / Ephesians 3:14 / Philippians 2:10 / Mark 10:17 / Luke 8:54


Take some time this week to reflect on the questions listed in the devo above! What would you do, if you were in Peter’s shoes?

centering prayer:

 Abba, may I always remember that in each moment, you are with me. amen.



